
Cybersecurity Risk Management

Non-Technical Executives




The world has been transformed into a global village thanks to the advancements in, inter alia, transportation and communication. Among those advancements, internet is by far the most important. Day by day, our dependence to the internet increases, so does the quantity and quality of the cyber-attacks, transcending even governments’ capacity to tackle them.Almost two thirds (66%) of companies in Belgium were victims of cybercrime according to a large-scale research funded by BELSCO, a Belgian federal government body for research policy. Cybercrime doesn’t have borders, the estimated global cost of cybercrime is about €525 billion in which the estimation for Europe and Central Asia floats around €170 billion.

According to German IT industry association BITCOM, more than half of the German companies suffered from cybercrime. It is estimated that this corresponds to a 55 billion euros’ worth of damage annually. In another research, conducted in collaboration with the UK Government, the cost of cybercrime to the UK is calculated to be £27bn (37 billion euro) per annum.

In this regard, cybersecurity risk management is becoming a fundamental part of management function of every organization, be it government or business. Horizon Global Academy’s Cybersecurity Risk Management course will enable managers in public and private sectors; analysts as well as security and technology specialists to grasp the cyber domain, facing threats and how to mitigate risks.

What we offer Horizon Global Academy What We offer

One day offer Horizon Global Academy One-day compact course

incl. case study workshop

Offer package Horizon Global academyFollow-Up Package

3 subsequent months 👇👇🏽

Free text question Horizon Global AcademyFree follow-up package icon 48 48 Text your Questions


remote mnetoring Horizon Global AcademyFree follow-up package icon 48 48On-Demand Mentoring
(1-Time & Remote)

Audit offer Horizon Global Academy Free follow-up package icon 48 48Vulnerability Test and Confidential Report
(Upon request)

Discount Horizon Global AcademyCyber Resilience Consultancy
(Upon request & based on Confidential Report)

Follow-up Package Conditions
  1. This follow-up package is created by Horizon Global Academy (HGA) for « Cybersecurity Risk Management » (Non-Technical Executives) training.
  2. Participants who register for the training have the right to exploit this follow-up package for 3 subsequent months, starting from the training day.
  3. Participation to the training is mandatory for getting the follow-up package.
  4. All enquires and further demands should be addressed to official info email address of HGA (info@horizonglobalacademy.eu) with the participant’s registered email to the training.
  5. Package consists of 4 different element with different provisions.
    • Text your Questions: This is a free option which you can use during this period. All questions as well as the answers will be in written form. The response would be given within 3 working days at the latest to the same email address. This option can be used for overcoming the basic difficulties in implementing the newly acquired knowledge and should be used as such. HGA reserves to cancel it in case of misuse (such as tens of questions daily).
    • On-Demand Mentoring: This is also another free option to be exploited within this period. Requests for 1-time on-demand mentoring should be made to the official email address of HGA as well with detailed description of what is exactly demanded. A response would be given within 3 working days with an appointment through videoconference (through Zoom or Skype) within 7 working days. The appointments should last around 30 minutes between 10h00 and 19h00.
    • Vulnerability Test and Confidential Report: Willing companies may have a free vulnerability test for their system infrastructures and receive a confidential report on the situation explaining the strong and weak facets as well as recommendations to improve their resilience. Applications should be done to the official email address of HGA and maximum 5 IP addresses can be tested for a participant company.
    • Cyber Resilience Consultancy: Companies need to have vulnerability test to exploit this option which is based on the confidential report of the former option. Moreover, this option is not free, but comes with a %20 discount. Application should be done to the official address of HGA, explaining what the company needs in general terms. Further conditions will be set mutually between HGA and the company.

HGA Audience Attendees

This course is designed for non-technical executives as well as interested and aspiring individuals / employees from the private or public sector. No IT background or prior technical knowledge is needed. The only prerequisite is a clear understanding of the cyber challenge and the need to counter it.

HGA Key Takeaway main Takeaways

You will;

  • Be aware of the risks posed by cyber threats.
  • Be able to discern cyber threats and possible actors behind cybercrime.
  • Grasp how cyber attacks pose risk to your business.
  • Figure out assets in your business including AI powered systems.
  • Not feel sidelined by IT experts nor perplexed by the complexity of their work, rather, supervise IT experts as they respond incidents.
  • Lead designing an architecture to mitigate the risks posed by cyberthreats.

Programme Horizon Global Academy Programme


09:00 – 9:30

Registration and Light Breakfast


09:30 – 09:40

Cybersecurity as a Major Risk
The aim of this introductory part is to raise awareness on cybersecurity which is a business risk. The concept of risk management procedures will be explained before samples of security breaches of an organisation will be provided to illustrate. Other topics, such as operational business, litigation and reputational risks as well as the importance of carrying out risk management procedures will also be discussed.

09:40 – 10:20

Cyber Threats, Actors and Methodologies
Identifying the cyber threats, their target sectors and organisations as well as the actors perpetrating cybercrime is very important. Further information will be provided on how the actors commit cybercrime together with the methodologies to counter them.

10:20 – 11:00

Business Systems and Information Assets
The participants should spot business critical systems and assets to be protected from cyberthreats. The aim of this part is to investigate the degree of risk, evaluate the implications and detect measures to be taken to protect them.

11:00 – 11:10

Coffee Break


11:10 – 11:50

Managing Cyber Risks and Leadership
Leadership is vital to keep an organisation’s cyber domain secure. Participants would gain knowledge to implement management procedures to mitigate cyber threat risks and design a training program to implement best practices in this realm. At the end of the lecture, a cyber security leadership program will be examined.

11:50 – 12:30

Cybersecurity of AI Algorithms/AI Powered Systems
Proliferation of AI Algorithms and AI Powered Systems in business should not be taken for granted. This part aims to raise awareness of these systems/algorithms (such as machine learning feature) which brings immense advantages but also accompany increased risks in the cyber domain of an organisation.

12:30 – 13:10



13:10 – 13:50

Cybersecurity and GDPR
Legal aspects of managing cyber risks will be explored. The participants will learn to identify the impact of failing to take legal considerations into account and explore an organisation’s requirements as well as its adherence to these requirements.

13:50 – 14:30

Cyber Response Readiness (Supervising Incident Response)
The aim of this part is to gain knowledge on how to execute the suitable response to a cybersecurity breach in an organisation. The participants should understand the phases of a security breach (detection, communication and containment), implement the procedures to mitigate possible damages of a cybersecurity breach and learn the roles played by the actors therein. At the end of the lecture, participants will examine an incident response plan to counter a cybersecurity breach, including measures to detect the breach, the chain of communication and procedures to control the damage.

14:30 – 16:00

Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategy (Case Study)
Participants will examine key points of an effective mitigation strategy, study on the implications of implementation and learn how to allocate the financial resources. For completion of the course, the participants will discuss case studies on mitigation strategy.

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+32 (0) 2 801 13 57-58

Davincilaan 1, 1932 Brussels Belgium

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